Sites That Sell - Buy this eBook!

We all learn at our own pace. Some of us were fortune to learn in a family or company certain skills from a very young age, so we developed them like a 2nd skin. Others have to learn those skills later or risk falling behind. Sometimes those skill-deficiencies stop us from achieving what we want. In effect they act as barriers holding us back. What we need are tools to help us jump over such hurdles. If you are considering setting up your own business, then in all likelihood you will be seeking to establish a website to sell your products & services. If you would like to know how to set up an impressive sales-orientated on!

Sites that Sell! - View the table of contents or buy this eBook at our online store for just $US39.95.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Google hits its limits

Its interesting to ponder market theories and the corresponding government policies and forecasts of future earnings that impact corporate valuations. I can think of several examples:
  1. In the 1940s the Australian government fearing a storage of iron ore outlawed the development of new resources to ensure there was adequate supplies during any war period. In the 1960s Lang Hancock discovered the first of many iron ore deposits. Today Western Australia is the centre of iron ore mining.
  2. It wasnt many years ago that there was a fear that Microsoft would control the online world, yet just 5 years later, the company seems to be disappearing into irrelevance.
  3. Today most people are thinking much the same way about Google. Yet I would highlight an issue that might yet bring Google to its knees. Success - like Microsoft - but in a difference sense. Google's Blogspot is a useful utility because it integrated well with the rest of the Google features. The problem is that the web-based utility was exceedingly slow on the weekend. Might customers migrate elsewhere? It highlights the loss of credibility that can occur if you grow too fast, such that you undermine the services of your existing customers.

I love Google, but it has me thinking that maybe I depend too much on them. I use them for email, voice, online commerce, online writing. is warranted.

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Sites That Sell - Buy this eBook!

We all learn at our own pace. Some of us were fortune to learn in a family or company certain skills from a very young age, so we developed them like a 2nd skin. Others have to learn those skills later or risk falling behind. Sometimes those skill-deficiencies stop us from achieving what we want. In effect they act as barriers holding us back. What we need are tools to help us jump over such hurdles. If you are considering setting up your own business, then in all likelihood you will be seeking to establish a website to sell your products & services. If you would like to know how to set up an impressive sales-orientated on!

Sites that Sell! - View the table of contents or buy this eBook at our online store for just $US39.95.